Basic Seminar Series Rabine Method (2024/2025)

Basic Seminar Series Rabine Method

for german and international english speaking singers

Grundlagenseminar-Reihe für SängerInnen und Sänger in deutsch: 2026/2027

Seminar topics & content: 4 seminars in 2 years are aimed at singers who have been taking voice lessons for at least 4 years and want to learn more about the biological, physiological, acoustic basics of the „Theory of Voice Function“ and the Rabine Method in its many interrelationships. The series offers the opportunity to experience the content in interaction with colleagues and to get to know some partner exercises for which there is less opportunity in individual lessons. Provided are:

  • Exercises and lectures that introduce and explain the Rabine method,
  • Exercises and lectures that show and describe the elements and interrelations of the „Theory of Vocal Function“,
  • Exercises and lectures that let you experience and explain a functional principle or a vocal functional context,
  • Partner exercises that cannot be used in individual lessons,
  • Exercises that require a larger space and thus may not be applied in individual lessons,
  • Series of exercises and presentations that show a systematic or hierarchy of exercises and a singer’s development, and can serve as a guide to independent practice.


Lutheran Church, Langgasse 4, 67157 Wachenheim, Germany


Management :

Uwe Götz, staff (CRMT, CRS, CRS-Kand.)


2024/2025 Information for participants:


Module 1 / 4 Friday, April 26th, 14:00 – Sunday, April 28th, 16:00 2024
Module 2 / 4 Friday, November 01st, 14:00 – Sunday, November 03rd, 16:00 2024


Module 3 / 4 Friday, April 11th, 14:00 – Sunday, April 13th, 16:00 2025
Module 4 / 4 Friday, October 03rd, 14:00 – Sunday, October 05th, 16:00 2025

Seminar fee:

350,00 EUR / module

Please send the fee of 350,00 € via bank transfer twice a year,
no later than March 31 and August 31 of every seminar year.

Payments via Paypal are also possible by arrangement.

If one will have the chance to get into the international or German CRT-program, some of the costs of the basic seminar will be credited.

Number of participants:

min. 6 / max. 16


Minimum of 4 years experience in singing lessons

Aimed at:

ambitious hobby singers, professional and semi-professional singers, singing teachers, choir directors, music educators.

Registration Basic Seminar Series Rabine Method (2024/2025)

    General Terms and Conditions: It is required that the payment of the seminar fee will be made 4 times no later than March 31 and August 31 of every seminar year. A cancellation can be made without obligation up to 4 weeks before the start of the seminar cycle. A withdrawal from the current seminar series is possible up to 2 weeks after the first seminar, in consultation with the director of the Institute, without further obligations. In case of a withdrawal after this date, the full seminar fee will be due. If necessary (e.g. serious illness), arrangements can be made for participation in the next cycle of the series under individual conditions. There is no entitlement to this type of arrangements.

    After sending your registration, the following text should appear:
    „Your data has been successfully transferred!
    Thank you for your registration and we will confirm it within 8 days.“
    If you do not receive this response, please send an email to or call us on 06206 – 95 101 40

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